Monday, October 22, 2012

Fall Seasoning

About a week ago came a call for overnight frost. Time to rescue the remaining herbs and tomatoes shivering on the deck.

I washed and separated them. And then got them to pose for the blog:

I grouped some for keeping fresh in the fridge...parsley, basil and oregano...ready for a nice pasta dish.

And hung the rest on the line to, rosemary and lemon thyme....which will warm up some hearty meals through the coming fall.

I do realize that I posted about gardening at the beginning of the season and again about gardening at the end of the season, with nothing in between and no recipes at all.

I guess we all have our seasons. I hope to get back to cooking up a storm and blogging up the web again real soon :)


  1. i like your "someday" herbs, and funny how you got them to pose for the blog. looks great! we had the same frost warning and i thought of doing the same thing... but the herbs are still out there, and we even have a couple of hot peppers hanging around. it has been so mild.

  2. Nice - what a pretty little harvest you have there :)


Thanks for your feedback! - Prairie Lemon

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